Course Title
Administration of Network Resources Advanced Coding and Reimbursement Advanced Computer Aided Manufacturing Advanced Desktop Publishing I Advanced Observation and Participation in Early Childhood/Primary Settings Advanced Professional Nursing Concepts Advanced Technical Drafting II Air Conditioning & Refrigeration II Anatomy & Physiology for Administrative Health Professionals Applied Calculus I Applied Calculus II Applied Physics I Auto Fuel and Ignition Systems Automotive Drivetrains Automotive Electricity II Automotive Engines II Automotive Heating and Air Conditioning Backpacking Basic Technical Mathematics Beginning Spanish II British Literature Business Mathematics Calculus I Calculus II Calculus III Child Health and Nutrition Classroom and Behavioral Management Client Side Scripting Cloud Computing: Infrastructure and Services College Composition I College Composition II College Success Skills Community Policing in Modern Society Complex Health Care Concepts Computer Aided Drafting and Design III Computer Aided Drafting I Computer Business Applications Computer Graphics I Computer Graphics II Computer Systems Computerized Accounting Cooperative Education Coordinated Internship Coordinated Internship ITP 251 Cost Accounting I Criminal Law Evidence & Procedure II Crimnal Law, Evidence and Procedures I Critical Reading and Study Skills D.C. and A.C. Fundamentals I D.C. and A.C. Fundamentals II Data Structures and Analysis of Algorithms Design Capstone Project Designing Web Page Graphics Developmental Chemistry for Health Science Developmental Psychology Differential Equations Discrete Mathematics Editing/Proofreading Skills Elec Contr Sys Electric Power Utilities Electrical Machines II Electronic Devices I Electronic Health Records Management Emergency Medical Technician Emergency Medical Technician- Clinical Emissions Systems Diagosis & Repair Engineering Design Engineering Drawing Fundamentals II English Composition Readiness Ethical Issues in Management Ethics and Society Family Law Financial Management Forensic Science II Foundations of Drawing Foundations of Education Foundations of Engineering Foundations of Entrepreneurship Foundations of Exceptional Education Foundations of Life Sciences Freshwater Fishing Fundamentals of Reasoning Fundamentals of Welding Gas Metal Arc Welding General Biology I General Biology II General Chemistry I General Chemistry II General College Physics I General College Physics II Gerontology Graphic Skills Group Dynamics I Guiding the Behavior of Children Health Care Participant Health Information Technology I Health Promotion & Assessment Health/Illness Concepts Healthcare Concepts for Transition High Efficiency Fuel Systems History of Art: Renaissance to Modern History of Design History of Western Music 1750 to Present Human Anatomy & Physiology I Human Anatomy & Physiology II Human Resource Management Industrial Electricity Inert Gas Welding Infant and Toddler Programs Intermediate Accounting II Intermediate Algebra Interpersonal Dynamics Introduction to Algebra Introduction to Business Introduction to Business Law Introduction to Corrections Introduction to Courts Introduction to Diesel Engine Introduction to Digital and Information Literacy and Computer Applications Introduction to Early Childhood Education Introduction to Exceptional Children Introduction to Geometric Dimensions and Tolerancing Introduction to Human Services Introduction to International Business Introduction to Law Enforcement Introduction to Marketing Introduction to Network Concepts Introduction to Personal Community Health Introduction to Philosophy Introduction to Presentation Software PowerPoint 2019 - Basic Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming Introduction to Public Health Introduction to Sociology Keyboarding for Computer Usage Keyboarding I Keyboarding II Learning Support for Pre-Calculus Learning Support for Quantitative Reasoning Linear Algebra Linux System Administration Logic Circuits and Systems Machine Blueprint Reading II Machine Shop Operations Machining Techniques Mechanisms Medical Terminology I Medical Terminology II Microbiology for Health Science Microcomputer Office Applications Microcomputer Operating Systems Microcomputer Software-Database Management Microsoft Access 2019 Microcomputer Software-Spreadsheets Microsoft Excel 2019 - Basic Motorcycle Rider Safety- Beginner Motorcycle Safety -- Basic Music in Society Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs National Electrical Code Review Networking Security Basics Networking Security Layers Numerical Control II Nursing Capstone Nursing in Health Changes II Object-Oriented Programming Observation and Participation in Early Childhood/Primary Settings Office Administration I Office Administration II Oral Interpretation Organic Chemistry II Organic Chemistry II Laboratory Organizational Behavior Orientation to Computer Science and Information Orientation to Health Sciences Painting I Parametric Solid Modeling II Personal and Community Health Photovoltaic Energy Systems Physical Geology Pipe Welding I Power Distribution System PreCalculus I PreCalculus II PreCalculus with Trigonometry Precision Machining Techniques Principles of Accounting I Principles of Accounting II Principles of Computer Science Principles of Industrial Safety Principles of Lasers and Fiber Optics Principles of Macroeconomics Principles of Management Principles of Microeconomics Principles of Nutrition Principles of Psychology Principles of Public Speaking Programmable Controllers Psychopathology Quantitative Reasoning Reading Literature: Culture and Ideas Real Estate Law for Legal Assistants Records and Database Management Religions of the World Sculpture I Seminar & Project in Engineering Design Seminar and Project Seminar Project Server Side Programming Shielded Metal Arc Welding (Advanced) Shielded Metal Arc Welding (Basic) Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) Components and Maintenance Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) Remote Pilot Ground School Sociology of the Family Specialized Software Applications State and Local Government and Politics Statics Statistical Analysis for Business Statistical Reasoning Statistics I Substance Abuse I Substance Abuse: Prevention and Treatment Survey of Criminal Justice System Troubleshooting Systems Analysis and Design Technical Drawing Technical Mathematics Technology of Machining The Juvenile Justice System Three-Dimensional Design Topics in Excel 2019 - Advanced Topics in Excel 2019 - Intermediate Trial Preparation and Discovery Practice Two-Dimensional Design United States History Since 1865 United States History to 1877 University Physics I University Physics II Web Page Design I Web Scripting Languages Weight Training I Welding Metallurgy Welding Qualification Tests I Western Civilization-Post 1600 CE Wiring Methods in Industry Women in Literature Word Processing I Word Processing I Microsoft Word 2019 - Basic Word Processing II Word Processing II Word 2019 - Intermediate Word Processing III Advanced Word - 2019 World Literature World Music World Regional Geography Writing For Business Yoga
Class Number
28942 28944 28945 28946 28947 28948 28949 28950 28951 28952 28955 28958 28960 28963 28965 28969 28970 28971 28972 28973 28974 28976 28977 28978 28979 28980 28981 28982 28983 28984 28985 28986 28988 28989 28990 28992 28993 28996 28997 28999 29000 29001 29002 29003 29004 29005 29006 29007 29009 29010 29011 29012 29013 29014 29015 29016 29017 29018 29019 29022 29023 29024 29025 29026 29028 29029 29030 29033 29036 29037 29038 29039 29040 29041 29042 29044 29045 29046 29047 29048 29049 29050 29051 29052 29053 29054 29055 29056 29057 29058 29060 29062 29064 29067 29068 29070 29073 29076 29082 29083 29084 29085 29086 29087 29088 29089 29090 29091 29092 29095 29098 29099 29100 29101 29102 29104 29105 29106 29107 29108 29109 29110 29112 29113 29114 29115 29116 29118 29119 29120 29121 29122 29124 29127 29128 29129 29130 29133 29134 29135 29136 29137 29138 29139 29143 29145 29147 29148 29149 29150 29151 29153 29154 29155 29162 29163 29164 29166 29168 29169 29170 29174 29177 29178 29179 29180 29181 29182 29183 29186 29187 29188 29189 29191 29192 29195 29196 29197 29198 29199 29200 29201 29202 29205 29208 29210 29211 29213 29216 29217 29219 29222 29225 29226 29227 29228 29229 29230 29231 29232 29233 29234 29235 29238 29239 29240 29241 29242 29249 29253 29256 29257 29258 29262 29263 29264 29265 29266 29269 29273 29276 29278 29279 29281 29286 29287 29288 29289 29290 29291 29292 29293 29294 29296 29297 29299 29302 29304 29305 29306 29313 29314 29321 29322 29323 29324 29338 29339 29340 29341 29342 29343 29344 29345 29346 29347 29348 29349 29350 29351 29352 29354 29355 29356 29357 29360 29361 29362 29363 29364 29365 29366 29367 29368 29369 29371 29372 29374 29375 29376 29378 29379 29385 29392 29398 29399 29401 29402 29403 29404 29405 29406 29407 29408 29410 29411 29412 29414 29415 29416 29417 29418 29419 29420 29421 29422 29423 29424 29425 29426 29427 29429 29430 29431 29432 29433 29435 29437 29440 29441 29443 29444 29446 29448 29449 29450 29451 29452 29454 29455 29456 29457 29458 29459 29460 29461 29462 29463 29464 29465 29466 29467 29468 29471 29475 29480 29481 29491 29492 29493 29494 29495 29496 29497 29498 29499 29500 29501 29503 29504 29509 29510 29513 29515 29516 29517 29518 29519 29520 29521 29522 29523 29524 29525 29526 29527 29528 29529 29530 29531 29532 29533 29535 29536 29537 29538 29539 29540 29541 29542 29543 29544 29546 29548 29549 29552 29553 29554 29566 29570 29580 29581 29583 29610 29611 29618 29626 29632 29633 29634 29635 29636 29639 29640 29641 29642 29643 29645 29646 29648 29649 29650 29652 29653 29654 29656 29659 29661 29662 29663 29664 29665 29666 29668 29669 29676 29698 29704 29706 29707 29753 29754 29875 29914 29915 29917 35734 36135 36137 36148 36149 36195 36236 36274 36275 36276 36277 36293 36294 36310 36318 36319 36320 37581 37614 37616 39277 41485 41794 41797 48115 51157 51269 51360 53644 53655 53834 55820 55952 55954 56548 56725
Dublin Christiansburg Radford Pulaski Montgomery Chs Online Low Cost or OER Classes (Z)
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Start Time
7:00am 8:00am 8:15am 8:30am 9:00am 9:05am 9:30am 10:00am 10:10am 10:30am 10:40am 11:00am 11:15am 11:30am 11:45am 12:00pm 12:05pm 12:10pm 12:20pm 12:30pm 1:00pm 1:10pm 1:25pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:15pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:15pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm
End Time
8:55am 9:00am 9:30am 9:40am 10:00am 10:15am 10:20am 10:30am 10:40am 10:50am 10:55am 11:00am 11:05am 11:25am 11:30am 11:40am 11:55am 12:00pm 12:10pm 12:20pm 12:25pm 12:30pm 12:35pm 1:00pm 1:05pm 1:10pm 1:15pm 1:20pm 1:25pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:10pm 2:15pm 2:20pm 2:30pm 2:50pm 3:00pm 3:25pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 4:20pm 4:25pm 4:30pm 4:55pm 5:00pm 5:15pm 5:20pm 5:30pm 5:45pm 5:55pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 6:55pm 7:00pm 7:20pm 7:30pm 7:45pm 7:55pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm
GILE MTCO PULA RADF Christiansburg Site 109 Christiansburg Site 113 Christiansburg Site 116 Christiansburg Site 118 Christiansburg Site 119 Christiansburg Site 122 Christiansburg Site 123 Christiansburg Site 127 Christiansburg Site 128 Christiansburg Site 133 Christiansburg Site 134 Christiansburg Site 135 Christiansburg Site 147 Christiansburg Site 149 Christiansburg Site 150 Christiansburg Site 152 Edwards 206 Edwards 245 Godbey -N73 Godbey 129 Godbey 132 Godbey 133 Godbey 134 Godbey 135 Godbey 140 Godbey 141 Godbey 142 Godbey 145 Godbey 150 Godbey 152 Godbey 153 Godbey 155 Godbey 160 Godbey 161 Godbey 162A Godbey 163 Godbey 164 Godbey 181 Godbey 182 Godbey 183 Martin 124 Martin 133 Martin 225 Martin 242 Online Rooker 117A Rooker 117B Rooker 123 Rooker 128 Rooker 133 Rooker 134 Rooker 135 Rooker 136 Rooker 219 Rooker 226 Rooker 248 Rooker 254
Christiansburg Site Edwards Godbey Martin Online Rooker
C Adcock S Addikis M Alen J Allen H Anderson D Bailey H Beeler A Benson L Billaud D Blankenship B Bolling R Bopp C Brewer D Brumagin S Bryant P Burchett B Campbell K Cantrell-McCowan C Carrier D Carter W Case E Cash P Chalmeta L Cintron A Clark B Clark T Coake J Coleman D Compton E Compton D Conner D Crane D Cressell C Crookshanks C Crookshanks S Crosscup J Cumbee A Dawson N Deas M Doney T Downey J Duncan V Duncan S Edwards T Farmer M Fleshman W Friedl T Gallimore M Gallo N Gardella R Goldberg S Gordon B Graham J Graham D Gupton M Harris D Haun W Hay K Hayes L Helmick S Hildreth C Ho T Holdaway R Hubble K Johnston L Johnston J Jordan W Jung J Kauffman D Keith R Keller V Kelley K Kim S Lazear L Lester J Levy T Linkous J Lusk S Lynde C Mady K Maxwell K McAllister T McCoy P Moles H Morehead J Moser T Mullins C Murphy L Murphy R Nagle C Nash S Noakes S O'Brien R Oderwald E Pannell T Parks D Pastorius B Petty J Pierce D Pike B Porter R Powers R Quist C Reed M Rice A Roberts J Roberts R Robertson J Ross B Ruble S Shaffer A Shende A Smith E Snow J Somervell V Spradlin C Stoeckle J Suggs J Surratt H Talari J Taylor N Taylor S Taylor H Umberger B Viers H Walters C Webster Z Wehr C Whitesell M Wilkins R Williams E Woodyard H Wright C Wynne M Zarella
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